Working at Redify
Why Redify?
Redify is a relatively young company but was founded within a larger group of integration professionals. This gives us a sturdy platform that allows us to invest in our people and optimally guide them in their career. Redify combines a passion for open source with a passion for integration, two worlds combining to a perfect fit!
Our vision is based on 4 core principles:
We love to challenge you. Through exciting projects, your personal development plan of one of our social activities. Your personal growth is essential to us.
At Redify you count as a person, regardless of conviction, sexual orientation or where you or your ancestors were born. We take pride in the fact that everyone can fit in our team.
Based on your personal development plan you are scheduled for trainings, conferences and workshops. The plan is also the basis of our coöperation. We have periodic meetups as well to share our knowledge and experience, or to invite subject matter experts to learn from them.
Social Connection
Meet up with your colleagues in a relaxing atmosphere during one of our numerous social activities. These activities range from monthly happy-hours to family-included activities. We find it essential to lower the social distance between you and your peers.

Why integration?
Organisations make use of many software applications and need them to coöperate in a controlled fashion in order to execute business processes. The communication between these applications is a world on its own. It is not just performance that matters, but also security, monitoring and automation.
Using well established industry patterns you will assure the coöperation between data centers, cloud platforms, IoT systems and mobile devices. This diversity in challenges makes a career as an integration specialist so exciting! On top of that, the exposure to the wide range of functional knowledge on top of your technical expertise will make you an invaluable asset to your clients.
Why open-source?
Once a movement that started as a protest against expensive closed source software, open source has now become synonymous to cutting-edge technology. Large organisations invest billions in open source, keeping it in a state of constant progress. These investments have also triggered a high level of professionalism and the birth of some very successful companies.
One of these is Red Hat, where a portfolio of specialized open source products enable organizations to plan, implement and maintain their entire integration achitecture. We offer these products and your expertise on them to our clients.

What we are looking for
Established experience
You conquered about every challenge that integration can throw at you, but you remain excited about what it has to offer you. You have a background as (backend) developer, preferably in Java. You used one or more products from the Red Hat integration portfolio or their open source siblings (Fuse/Camel, ActiveMQ/Artemis/AMQ, 3scale) or you are eager to gain knowledge and experience in them. It goes without saying that you speak fluent Open API, Swagger and SOAP, just to name a few.
Young graduates
Developing fancy front ends is not your thing, and you don’t believe that anyone can or should be “full-stack”. You don’t just want to gather experience in software development but really grow as a specialist in integration, the backbone of any sizable company. When you develop you enjoy doing it in Java, but you are not shy of installing and deep-diving in the detailed configuration of integration components. You like to know how each building block of an architecture fits in the bigger picture, and picking up background knowledge on how software applications work is a part of that. You want to know the importance of communication flows and understand the business processes that they support.
Together with your mentor you implement a complete end to end integration solution that fulfills all quality requirements. Your mentor is available daily for advice and guidance to make your project a succes. After your internship you will have acquired a view on what it means and takes to be an integration developer, but also you will have been exposed to numerous other IT domains for you to make a decision for your upcoming career path.
Curious to learn more?
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